Take a chance

Sometimes we are afraid of giving ourselves to others. Lessons learned from the past. Perhaps from a time when a friend or loved one betrayed our expectations, perhaps from a moment of neglect from someone who was supposed to take care of us. People often fail to meet our expectations. They are self-absorbed, inattentive. And we're guilty too.

We'll never be able to predict how the people we care about will react to our love and affection. But our scars can't, nor should make us run away forever from moments of intimacy and vulnerability.

We can choose to see the best in people. By accepting, realising people are intrinsically flawed. And will disappoint us sooner rather than later. We will too. We can, nonetheless, persist on being kind and on opening ourselves to others, even when we're afraid. Especially when we are afraid.

Our heart may crumble if things go sour. But even if they do, we will eventually get up again. Like we did in the past. Take a chance on people. Take a chance on loving others.

Only you know who you can be